Fashion Design Schools Send You to Your Destination and Beyond

By Ysolt Usigan

Carrie Cochran, former student of fashion design schools student turned fashion designer to the stars (and non-celebrities), moves on to the next phase of her fashion design career.

What’s Carrie's next step after attending one of the many reputable fashion design schools? She started a fashion design business called Karma Kultura.

While her motivation for looking into fashion design schools was her love for garments and crafts, Carrie says her inspiration for starting the company was her clients. "I would make custom stage garments all the time and wanted to offer unique accessories to add to my clients' wardrobes."

With accessories and garments that are very unconventional, Carrie explains how she creates these pieces. "I would look for things around the house -- junk -- and put it together into interesting designs in the form of wallet chains, bracelets, belts, guitar straps, necklaces, cuffs, and earrings," she explains.

Sounds weird, huh? But believe it or not, the funky pieces are worn by fashionistas and celebrities alike nationwide. And it's not like Carrie is just some ordinary crafty diva -- she's a crafty diva, educated at one of the finest fashion design schools, the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. A fashion design career wasn't just handed to her -- she worked hard to get her degree from one of many reputable fashion design schools in the nation.

"I am proud to say I am a fashion design college graduate, and I have a degree in something I love. With many people wanting to work in fashion -- from stylists to designers, even a public relations -- a degree can give you an advantage," she explains. "Going to fashion designs school will show that you have extensive knowledge, skills, and experience in the industry that has better prepared you to enter the job market." At fashion design schools, Carrie and other students learn about many software programs used in the fashion industry such as Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator, as well as electronic pattern systems.

Once completing a degree from one of many fashion design schools, expect to work in various jobs within the fashion design industry like Carrie did. During the process, she networked and made a name for herself, which eventually landed her celebrity clients like Ricky Martin and Serena Williams.

"My clients loved the [offbeat] pieces and since they were all one-of-a-kind, it made them feel even more special," says the proud business owner.

Now what? With Carrie's fashion design career in full swing, she's contemplating her next move. She's already absorbed knowledge from fashion design schools, which led to her designing and collaborating with high-profile celebs. Now with her design business underway, who knows what we'll see next from the creative paragon. Maybe Carrie will go to fashion design graduate school? Who knows? The sky's the limit for the design sensation!

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Ysolt Usigan is a frequent contributor to The CollegeBound Network. Learn more about finding a school or career that's right for you!

Fashion Designer Education

By Clark Hunter

Fashion designer school is for people that have a passion or extreme interest in all things fashion. While putting together great outfits for friends has always been something you've liked to do on the side, you can do it for a living. Creating clothing and accessory designs just comes naturally to some people, and when you attend classes to really refine your skills you'll be impressed not only with how much you can learn, but how much you can be paid to do the things that you love to do! While designing clothes and even putting together patterns and outfits for yourself and your friends may be a great hobby, it can be an even better job if you go to school and learn how to do it all the right way so that you can come across creative and professional to prospective clients.

Fashion designers will be taught to sketch their ideas, draw and cut patterns, create simple garments, fit and modify finished garments, arrange showings for press as well as buyers, compare merchandise to that of competitors, learn how to keep current, and how to visit textile showrooms when they attend fashion design school. These skills will all contribute to helping someone with a passion for fashion develop their skill and utilize it in the real world.

Most fashion designers are self-employed and simply design for individual clients. Designers become popular by setting themselves apart by being professional, reliable, and using different colors, shapes, and materials that will allow them to stand out among their competition. A great way to learn how to create your own methods of creating great clothing, accessories, or jewelry is to become a designer's assistant. Helping a designer will not only allow those that are learning to see what goes into the business, but will also help them define a sense of self and a true sense of what they want to do in the fashion business.

Some fashion designers work for larger firms and this may be a great way to get a fashion designer education when you get out of fashion designer school, as well. These firms or corporations typically have a head designer, which is responsible for most of the creative aspects and supervision of the design room staff. Assistant designers are often hired by firms and often make the first patterns and help the head designer oversee creative and personnel issues. There are also specialty designers that may be hired by corporations that will work with other designers to help create limited or special lines of clothing. Special designers will often have a specific article of clothing or accessory that they work with and often they design for a specific market or country and can play a vital role in a large design company. There are also theatrical costume designers that create costumes or articles of clothing and accessories for plays, movies, or other theatrical productions and these designers may work on contract. Of course, all of these jobs can be done independent of a firm, but some individuals find these jobs easier to get through a firm first, for a more consistent income.

The work environment for every designer varies, as some work in very professional settings while others work in very cramped and rushed environments. If you work for yourself you can really set the standard for yourself so that you do not have to work in unfavorable situations. If you are looking at working for a firm, be sure to ask hard questions about the work environment and schedule. Just because you just graduated from fashion designer school doesn't mean that you should be subjected to less than comfortable working conditions! Freelance fashion designer work can also be done outside of your own job so that you can slowly create your own client base away from your corporate job.

There is a lot of money to be made by fashion designers once they have graduated and obtained some experience. Many designers make more than $20 an hour and the average salary for a designer is more than $57,000 a year! Of course, education, experience, licensing and a grasp of trends and professionalism are what get you to such a salary, but after attending fashion designer school you can achieve all of these things. Remember that you may not start out at the top, but when you get there all the little jobs you have worked will seem more than worth it so get your fashion designer education now.

Clark Hunter Fashion Designer Education

How To Make Successful Applications To Fashion Design Schools

By Kelly Hunter

There are many ways to get into a career in fashion. Gianfranco Ferrer, who recently left us and was best known as the creative director of Christian Dior from 1989 on, studied architecture instead of art. He then turned to fashion design, launching his own label in 1978.

For most of us mortals, however, going to design school will be a necessary and pleasurable way of stepping into a career in fashion. There are more openings than ever before in this exciting field. Fashion awareness has grown enormously in recent years and people are becoming more brand-conscious. Many fashion design schools offer degrees in fashion design, marketing, and merchandising, to give you the necessary leverage launch the career of your choice. For a strong foundation in both traditional and high-tech approaches, you could opt for any number of excellent schools. Fashion design school is like a little bit of history repeating. You will find that there is nothing new under the sun – the most abstruse-seeming designs are almost always borrowed from somewhere or other. The knack is to come up with a new fashion or accessory design based on a development of something with a historical perspective.

Fashion is an expression of the times, so it is important to keep up with the latest trends in politics and art. Design school courses will help you to explore these tendencies.

Design would be nothing these days without a deep understanding of technological devices and tools – CAD is something you will need to learn in depth.

Fashion design schools also teach the necessary technical and business skills involved, from sketching and pattern-making, sowing, design theory to the practicalities of accounting, retail, store merchandising, marketing and management.:

Getting a job in the fashion industry is no easy business, but do not be discouraged – prospective employers are looking for commitment, enthusiasm and a solid foundation in terms of training. Only the determined will make it in such a highly competitive field. To optimize your chances of getting on, follow our tips below: Connections are everything. Employers like recommendations and it is up to 60% likely that you will be offered a job because a friend or acquaintance has passed on your résumé. Bosses from way back, former colleagues, neighbors, your hairdresser or bank manager - Networking is where it’s at. So send out those mails, letting everyone know you are looking for a post. If you do not currently have a job, you should be investing at least a full 40 hour working week in job hunting, half of which you will be devoting to networking. Follow up leads, make notes, call back, insist. There is no mystery – perseverance will get you what you want.

There are a number of things you should watch out for when choosing a school: Look at their statistics – how many of the ex-students went on to successfully embark on a fashion career? The hub of the fashion design world is in New York City and Los Angeles, so people tend to gravitate there – about two thirds of those working in the industry are established in these cities. A quarter are self-employed, while 35% are working under a corporate umbrella. Another quarter are clothing wholesalers, while a mere 15% are clothing manufacturers. Competition in all fields is fierce, so you will do well to enter the fashion school which will give you the best chances possible.

Kelly Hunter operates and writes about Fashion Design Schools

When People Think Fashion Design School - They Think Italy

By Robert Byrnes

Think of all those fine leather shoes, the smart looking dresses, and the attractive hats that the rich and famous wear everyday. Most of us have admired them, but have you ever thought of designing them yourself?

If you have, chances are you know that today the highlight in the world of fashion is Italy. Just mention that something is Italian and everyone will know that, if you are talking about fashion, it belongs to the top of the line.

And everyone knows that for that very reason the best fashion designer schools are in Italy. But because there are so many good ones, how do people go about selecting the right one?

If you are thinking of traveling to Italy to attend one of the many schools of fashion design, here are some tips that may help you decide which one will best meet your needs.

1- School Background:

Some schools tend to focus on one or another area, and that is important when making your selection. What field interests you the most? Are there any well known designers in that field that have graduated from that school? How well have other exalumnae fared after graduation? The school mission and goals are important aspects to understand, as they will inform you about what you should expect to achieve there, and what the school expects from its students.

2- Word of Mouth:

Besides learning about a school from their own publications, another way to find out what it is truly like is to talk to graduates from that school, or others that have attended there. Find out what positive and negative experiences they had, and what they liked and disliked about it. Then consider what you have learned and weigh the pros and cons. Keep in mind that not all schools are made for everyone, and not everyone is cut out for all schools. Compare your own goals and interests with what you glean from others' experiences.

3- Finances:

This will obviously be a determining factor in your selection process. Check the fees carefully to ensure that all possibilities are covered. Are all the expenses listed, or are there any hidden fees? What about room and board? Do you have to find an apartment on your own, or does the school have anything available for students? Are the materials included? If not, will you be able to afford the extras? Or can you work and study at the same time and, if so, are there jobs readily available? Don't be afraid to ask, for you do not want to discover that you have unexpected costs once you are in Italy.

4- Entrance Requirements:

Most schools have a specific list of qualifications needed in order to be admitted into their school. Be sure to review this list carefully; some find that a checklist can be very helpful to ensure that nothing is missed. Gather and send all the necessary documents together. This will save you and the admissions officer time and additional expense. It will also allow you to understand whether or not you do possess the required conditions, and will allow you to concentrate on the schools where you are more apt to be admitted.

If you have the appropriate qualifications, and are determined to get into the Italian school of fashion design you have selected, the tips listed above will certainly help you obtain your goal. It may not be easy to gain admittance, but with clear and concise guidelines your dream of becoming a renowned fashion designer may become a reality before you know it!

For more information on fashion design schools please visit a website which specializes in tips, advice and resources on fashion design schools

Looking to Get into Fashion School? Use These Tips

By Tl Kleban

Is it necessary for you to have a college degree in order to become the world’s next great fashion designer? While true style can't be taught, most people will agree that it is very difficult to find a job, any job in the fashion industry without some sort of degree, even if it is a two or four year one. As a matter of fact, going to fashion school and getting an education makes you more of an appealing job candidate. It is extremely competitive job market and an education can make the difference between you and another equally qualified candidate.

No matter how talented you are or think you are, fashion design school holds a ton of experience that you’ll be hard pressed to find somewhere else. You can make some contacts within the industry contacts, polish up on your techniques and even learn new and exciting fashion design software. School can teach you how to critically look at your own work, thus improving your design skills.

If you’re thinking about going to fashion school, there are quite a few choices to consider. Here are just a few of the beginning steps you’ll need to take in order to get yourself enrolled in the best fashion schools.

  • If you have any dreams of joining the world of fashion, you better learn how to sew. There is no other skill that is as important as sewing is to fashion design. It’s also a skill that more and more students just don’t have. Knowing how would and can give you a one up on the competition. Learning how to sew can put a potential fashion designer a step ahead of the others trying to get into fashion school.
  • Now is the time to master your drawing abilities. Now it’s true that a great portion of this artistic skill comes naturally for most people, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least take the time to practice drawing. You need to know how to effectively put your ideas on paper in such a clear manner that others can see them.
  • Think of fashion just like you would as any other college. You’ll want to have good grades all throughout high school and a good SAT score. These schools are looking for the best of the best and want hardworking, dedicated and studious people. Good grades are a great indication that you would be that type of student.
  • It wouldn’t hurt you to surround yourself with fashion by working part-time in a trendy clothing store or a fashion boutique. Not only does this show you are willing work your way from the bottom up but also that you have a basic understanding of how the fashion business is run.
  • It is important to get some firsthand experience of any kind. This means you will have to offer your services for free such as through an internship. Working for free sucks but think of all invaluable experience you will be gaining. It is never too early to start building a portfolio.
  • It is always good to have excellent references in your back pocket. Try to find any local fashion designers, even if their names are recognizable not, and study under them, ask them if they mind being followed or looking for help. You want to display all of your potential to them in order for them to be willing to give you a reference.

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Fashion Design Schools-Choosing The Best Among The Rest

By Tim Yu

Fashion Design Schools: Choosing the BEST among the Rest

Do you know how to sew?

Do you enjoy creating designs?

Do you love following or changing patterns to come up with a piece of clothing?

If fashion is simply just your passion, then you might just be right for a fashion design school.

Here are some reasons why you should attend a fashion design school:

• You will learn about the most up-to-date styles that many people would consider buying.
• If you are unsure whether you will be able to make a living out of your interest in fashion, your level of confidence will greatly increase once you obtained a degree.
• Studying about and later working on, a field that you love is very rewarding.
• You will learn about the various principles behind the patterns you have worked on in the past, as well as the ones you will be working on in the future.
• You will also be knowledgeable on mixing and matching colors to magnify the shape and cut of your creations.
• You will know more about keeping your clothes together - other than just stitching! Talk about endless possibilities.
• Fashion design school will expose you to different kinds of people – working with them, incorporating their ideas with your own, and developing relationships with those who share the same feeling toward fashion.
• These relationships will set the foundation for meeting potential employees, employers, or

business partners – all whom you will need when you start your foray into the fashion world.

There are numerous fashion design schools globally. Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, found in London, is considered by some as the most famous of them all. Other world-renowned schools are The Royal College of Arts in London, the London College of Fashion, Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, AIU in Los Angeles, and Parsons The New School for Design in New York City.

Most courses in the schools mentioned above last for about three years.

The next question, however, will be, how do you choose the best school for you?

Here are 10 helpful tips to help you in your decision making:

Tip#1 – Determine what you would like to major in. From there, search for a school that offers the program that you like.

Tip#2 – Have a list of criteria that you would like to take a look into in your search for the perfect fashion design school. These criteria may include program offering, major and minor subjects, costs, location, placement record, and many more.

Tip#3 – You may now construct a list of candidate fashion design schools.

Tip#4 – Gather all necessary resources and information about each of your candidate school. Find their websites and research.

Tip#5 – Narrow down your list further by using the criteria you have set in Tip#2.

Tip#6 – Inspect the schools left on your list. It would be good if you can visit these schools personally. But if not, try to obtain a video or look for a virtual tour in their websites.

Tip#7 – File your application to the schools that met your criteria.

Tip#8 – While waiting to hear from the schools you sent your application to, search for scholarship grants in the Internet.

Tip#9 – Make your final decision based on the responses you got from the schools that you applied to, as well as the scholarship grantors' response. Carefully review your notes, consider funding, and finally, decide.

Tip#10 – Get ready to embark on a journey that you have never quite experienced before!

Off you go to the one of the best fashion design schools in the world!

Tim Yu @

Back To School Fashion Is Hot

By Elli Rose

Whether you're 20 or 50, you've probably seen the kids headed back to school; chances are, you've even thought some of them looked pretty darn cute. So how do you pull off the back-to-school fashions of this fall without looking like you're trying to be someone you're not? We've got some ideas on how to play up these ultra-cute and ultra-versatile looks, whether you're headed to the soccer field or the boardroom.

First up, layers. If you've been anywhere near any clothing store in the last two months, you know this is a great look. And really, who hasn't gotten up on a Saturday morning and thrown a long sleeve shirt under a t-shirt once in a while? It's comfortable and gets you through your Saturday morning errands. But what if you want to have the same look in the office? It's simple. Pair a long-sleeved turtleneck made of cashmere and silk, or a fine knit henley with one of this season hottest items, the swing jacket. Many of the swing jackets are coming with 3/4 sleeves, or "bracelet sleeves," as they're being called, so cover that extra skin with an eye-popping color like cobalt or red. Give your black pantsuit a little oomph!

Embrace color this fall season. Soon we will have long winter days filled with heavy grey clouds - why not brighten everyone's day by throwing on a bright red scarf or grabbing a patent-leather red purse on your way out the door? Don't want to go that big? Slip on a pair of your very own ruby red slippers, minus the sequins, and strut your stuff through the office. These look great with that staple black pantsuit that every working professional has in her closet.

Ballet flats are big this season with everyone. And while the kids are sporting them with skinny jeans, the rest of us who can't wear skinny jeans can pair them palazzo pants, jeans of our own, and knit dresses. Really, flats are perfect for just about any occasion.

Do you ever look at the girls coming out of the schools and long for the days when you could rock a baby doll dress with a cute pair of those flats? You can! Baby doll dresses are hard for anyone to pull off without looking totally pregnant, which is not a look anyone wants. However, a shift dress is a great alternative! As a straight dress that is waistless and skims the silhouette, the shift is flattering and modern. You don't need to go super short, and you can wear solid black tights for a uniform look that makes your legs look long and lean. Be sure your dress is cut above the knee and made from a fabric that drapes well, such as velvet, knit, or jersey.

Kids can be cute, and often times they get some of the coolest clothes around. Don't hesitate to steal their style if you can do it, without looking inappropriate.

Elli Rose is a fashion industry insider who writes about the latest trends in clothing, makeup and accessories. Love to be noticed? Find gorgeous fashions and helpful advice at

Choosing a Fashion Design School in Italy

By Gaelle Cabfell

Today, the word “Italy” is synonymous with the word “fashion”. When something is described as being Italian, it is either very delicious or very good looking. Because of this people often go there to study culinary arts or fashion design. People who want to attend fashion design schools in Italy though, may find themselves facing a cruel dilemma. There are so many fashion design schools in Italy, that most people have difficulty selecting one.

Choosing a fashion design school in Italy can be quite a challenge if you do not have a guide. Here are some tips you can use to help you with this problem:

1) Learn about the history of the school -

One of the best ways to find out if you have chosen a great fashion design school in Italy is to check its history. Find out if the school you are attending has produced any of the great names in the fashion industry. You should also check out to see what generally happens to students of that school after graduation.

The history of the school will tell you exactly what to expect from that school. It will also teach you what the school expects of its students. In getting this information, you will be able to judge whether or not a fashion design school in Italy is for you.

2) Learn what it costs –

You should definitely check out the financial aspects of attending a fashion design school in Italy. You should try to find out whether you can afford the kind of expenses involved when studying in a foreign country. This, of course, will help you determine if whether or not you should really enroll in a fashion design school in Italy. You will also learn about the sacrifices you will have to make in order to truly follow your heart.

If you really want to go to a fashion design school in Italy, you need to know exactly what you need. You need to be prepared to stick to the path you choose.

3) Learn how to get in –

Are there any special qualifications required to get into a fashion design school in Italy? You should learn the requirements for admission so that you will not be wasting anyone’s time when you learn you are not really qualified. You should try to check out the various obstacles hindering you from reaching your dream of attending a fashion design school in Italy and you should try to find a way past this obstacle. Every problem has a solution. If you have the will to get into a fashion design school in Italy, then you will get in.

Getting into a fashion design school can be quite a challenge. However, if you know exactly what you need and prepare beforehand, you might increase your chances.

4) Learn what other people have to say –

Sometimes, the key to making a solid decision is to get the thoughts of others. If you wish to find carrier from a fashion design school in Italy, you need to understand that there are other people who may have experienced. Going to a particular fashion school in Italy and may have many things to say about that school. By listening to what others have to say about schools, then you would probably find the best school for you. You need to be careful, however, as competition can be pretty intense between schools. This means that you cannot trust everything that you hear.

Gaelle Cabfell is an expert on lifestyle topics and writes for the Fashion Tips site which also covers Aromatherapy and Botox Alternatives

Guide to Choosing A Fashion Design School

By John Morris

A successful future in the fashion design industry depends on right choice of school to attend. Although fashion design is not one of the more popular careers to pursue, if your talents lie in this field, there is ample opportunity awaiting you. However, the first thing to hurdle is your choice of school.

When choosing a fashion design school, consider the following factors.

Area of Focus

Look into the nature of the school. Is it solely a fashion design school or does it offer other courses. Is this school well-known for its emphasis on fashion design?

Fashion design schools are few and far between. This makes it harder to choose one that fits your bill. Your first task will be to find a reputable school that will aid you in your training.

Also, look into whether the school participates in any fashion design competition or has accomplished anything of reknown in the industry. This is a sure sign of their commitment to the fashion arts its education among students.

Different schools have different strengths, find a school that plays to your strengths and has specialization in the field of your choice.

For example, you might choose a very well-know fashion design school only to find out that they specialize in childrens’ clothing, while the field of your choice is adult formal wear. This could diffuse your interests, and dull your specialization.

Make sure you know what field the school you are scouting focuses on. This will help you specialize in that area too.

Alumni and Job Placements

Does the college offer job placement assistance? And has the alumni from this school gone on to be successful professionals? Always learn from other’s previous experience. If you see that those that had gone through this school before you received proper training and are successful in their field, that is an indication of a good school.

Most of these reputable schools have numerous connections in the graphic arts industry. They usually offer job placement services. You may want to consider this when choosing a school.

It would do no harm to start looking at the educational background of your admired fashion designer. Checking out the schools they came from will give an idea of the sort of training these artists went through. From here, you may make decisions as to whether you would like to choose the same school as they did.


You must assess whether the curriculum is relevant to you field of study. You may want to compare the curricula of different schools to see which offers the best form of education.

It would also be wise to check the quality of the teaching staff at that school. Having established artists who teach at a fashion design school is also an indication of a good training program.

Student to Teacher Ratio

Ask yourself: how big are the classes and how many teachers and classes are available at this school before you choose it. The more the students the lesser the efficacy of the teacher. However, if there are too few students per teacher, that could tell of a different problem – that of quality. If this is the case, it may be that the school is not popular or is suffering from anemic academic performance.


Accreditation means the school has passed a certain standards of educational quality. Accreditation is performed by the U.S. Department of Education. Fashion design schools must be accredited to prove their level of competence.

Check with the State Postsecondary School Licensing Bureau to see if the college you are investigating is accredited. Also, check National Approval and Accreditation for this concern.


Some people may proclaim that to obtain their education, they would spare no coin. Unfortunately, it also pays to be practical in your choice of fashion design school. If the school you choose has a tuition rate that is beyond your financial capability, you might find yourself working unable to pursue your studies consistently due to the financial stress which may lead you to look for part-time work.


You might want to consider whether the design school you are looking at offers any scholarships. You also might want to know the terms to them too. Some schools offer scholarships based on academic performance. Some offer them based on fashion design competitions they hold regularly.

Your choice of school is an investment that will last you a lifetime. Proper care and investigation in choosing such is truly important. When you are comfortable with your choice of fashion design schools, you can now chart your path towards a successful career.

A Look At The London School Of Fashion

By Jon Arnold

What kind of passion do you have for fashion design? Is your style more traditional mainstream or do you like to think out of the box with an edgy style? Either way, the London School of Fashion (officially the London College of Fashion) could very well be the school for you. This well-known fashion school has an excellent reputation for producing top designers in shoe design, mens clothing, womens clothing and accessories. They also have top professionals in other areas of fashion such as fashion photography, fashion merchandising, fashion journalism, culture and communication, and many more.

As a fashion student at the London school of Fashion, you will learn pattern cutting, garment production, designing in both manual and digital formats, the history of fashion, etc. The school is equipped with various high tech machines that you don't find in most other schools. This gives students an opportunity to learn to use the latest machines that they would otherwise not have a chance to use until they were well established in the field of fashion design.

The school encourages thinking outside the box to stretch the limits of the students imaginations so the students have the chance to stretch their wings and be truly creative in design. This gives the students a real chance to explore and find their own unique niche while still giving them a good grounding in tradition design. You can dare to be different.

The tutors connected with the London School of Fashion are often successful working designers, so you have access to an invaluable resource here. Another extremely valuable resource is the work placement program where you get the chance to actually work in the field of design while you are still a student. This gives you experiences that will go a long way towards helping find a great placement after graduation in the exciting world of fashion and fashion design.

If fashion is your career choice, check out the courses at the London School of Fashion. Expect to work hard and be rewarded with the best possible education in the fashion industry. Whether you are more traditionally minded or lean to the edgy side of fashion design, the London School of Fashion is the best place to prepare for a most challenging and rewarding career in the fashion universe.

Need more information about the London School Of Fashion, please visit our web site

Online Fashion Design Schools - What You Need To Know

By Amy Wells

Online distance education is a strong industry that is continuing to grow and change as more people realize the benefits of receiving their education online. In addition to more traditional programs, there are a number of specializations that are currently available through distance education. If your goal is to attend fashion school and work in the fashion industry, there are many online fashion design schools are available to choose from.

There are many benefits to taking courses online. Distance education cuts out anything extraneous, like commuting, so you can focus solely on your education. You will have much more flexibility, and can study at your own pace. Many people who learn online have other jobs and commitments, and with a little planning and effort, they are able to both study and work at the same time. Taking online courses does require some dedication, but if you are self-motivated, it can be a great way to learn.

With many online fashion design schools, you will fill out either a mail or online application to register for the courses. Your classes will be a mixture of self-study, usually with a textbook or workbook, and online lesson modules. You may have the ability to work with others online, or have online or email chat to the teacher and other students. Some classes may even utilize a web cam, so you can see others, and your teacher and classmates can see you. Because of the nature of online courses, you may even have your final exam be open book, with an emphasis on critical thinking, or involved projects.

If you are planning to attend a US-based school, you will want to make sure they are accredited. Many schools will offer an associate degree,and some may even offer a bachelor. The Accrediting Commission of the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC), is the accrediting body for distance education programs, and some schools may even have an additional accreditation specifically related to fashion design.

Many of the traditional campuses for vocational and technical schools also offer an online fashion design program. For example, Westwood College, a leading vocational school,offers an online Bachelor Degree in Fashion Merchandising. The Art Institute also has a variety of online programs, including a Fashion and Retail Management Program.

If you are truly interested in receiving a fashion design education, you can make it happen. With the Internet, distance does not have to be an impediment to learning. If you are self-motivated and self-directed, an online fashion design program could be the next step in your fashion design career.

Amy Wells writes about fashion education. Thinking of attending Fashion School? Get the facts first, find out where to go and how to save money on Fashion School.

Fashion Design Courses

By Jennifer Bailey

The fashion industry is one of the most fast paced industries, offering extensive job opportunities to people who are creative geniuses and have a knack for fashion. The increase in the number of schools offering courses in fashion design is an example of the potential in this field.

The courses in the fashion schools are designed to channelize the talent of the creative students in the right direction so that they can make the best use of the opportunities available. While the main objective of most fashion design schools stays the same, the curriculum may vary from place to place. Fashion design courses are more popular in top fashion destinations around the world such as Paris, New York and London.

Fashion design courses vary, depending on the type of program. These include the associate degree program or the diploma /certificate program. These fashion design programs aim at providing proficiency to the students in different streams of the fashion industry by including different courses. These are creative design, technical design, merchandizing management, and fashion marketing to equip and hone the requisite skills of the students who wish to pursue this lucrative career.

The courses are designed in such a way that the students can combine theoretical concepts with their creative ideas. These are further aligned with technical and business practices in the course.

Creation and presentation of the portfolios and conducting stage fashion shows is an integral part of the course. The courses develop the necessary skill of the students so that they can create a signature style of their own and reap the benefits of the immense potential of the fashion industry. The students are familiarized not only with the designing aspect of the apparel, but also the ways of presenting and marketing it.

Fashion design courses aim at providing the necessary skills to the students and assist them to become proactive to reap the benefit of the fast growing but extremely competitive profession.

Fashion Design provides detailed information on Fashion Design, Fashion Design Schools, Fashion Design Programs, Fashion Design Games and more. Fashion Design is affiliated with Fabric Hammocks.

Some Tips for a School Fashion Show

School fashion shows can be quite fun if done properly. If done the wrong way, however, it could end up being one boring affair which is only occasionally enlivened by the people laughing at a humiliated model. What you need are some tips to help you.

1) Think of a theme – When putting up a school fashion show, it is always helpful if you use a theme. A theme gives a fashion show a sense of organization and people would be able to relate the fashion to the theme. There are various types of themes to choose from:

a) Season – Basing your school fashion show on the season is always popular. You could design and model various outfits that correspond with the time of year. This would also give you an idea of how to decorate the venue. Basing your school fashion show on a season can help you unleash your creativity and make your brain cells work. How can you balance the freedom of creativity with the confinement of the theme? This will definitely help you improve your skills.

b) Literature – Another great idea for a theme is literature. You should think about basing your school fashion show on a great piece of literature. How about basing it on the book The Great Gatsby? Ever tried creating fashion pieces for Frodo? This can be fun as you will be bringing the visions of authors to life. Basing your school fashion show on a piece of literature can also be a bit easier than other themes since most authors actually have pretty detailed descriptions of the clothes their character wear. This is especially true for fantasy novels. Cloaks, anyone?

2) Music – The music sets the mood for the whole fashion show. It strikes the subconscious of the watchers and thus, determines how much attention they will be paying your school fashion show. This means, of course, that you need to choose the correct sounds to accompany your school fashion show.

You need to choose music that grabs the attention of the spectators enough to mesmerize them. However, you do not want the music to distract the spectators from the school fashion show. The best type of music to use would be instrumental. This is because instrumental music can set the mood for the show without distracting the viewers with familiar lyrics.

3) Lighting – Proper lighting effects are always essential if you want to have a great school fashion show. Together with the background music, the lighting effects give the audience a general emotion to feel. How do you want them to react when they see a certain ensemble? You can make them react as you want them by simply combining light and sound.

4) Spontaneity – Students hate predictability. Because of this, the best thing that your school fashion show could have is a surprise. You need to show your students something unexpected and completely new. In doing so, you will be able to grab their attentions and keep it. By being spontaneous, you will keep spectators guessing as to what will come next. This will keep their eyes on the school fashion show and off their watches and mobile phones. If you can make the audience forget about the gadgets on their pockets, then you would know that your school fashion show rocks!

Fashion School 101

By Mansi Aggarwal

Style and glamour are often restricted to those in the showbiz. We frequently endeavor to imitate their outfits and make-up, yet are unable to acquire those happening looks. But I think that most of us are born with sense of fashion and self-grooming. Some of those who lack this feature can be trained to do so. In other words celebrity’s appearance is not the only parameter in looking good.

Attire is one factor that owes utmost in our prettiness. All of us are not equivalently charming by face, well shaped like Jennifer Lopez or possess a robust built of Arnold; we tremendously vary physically as well as psychologically. But however bodily odd we may be, we can look good if not great. A very basic and hassle free step in this direction is to wear matching or contrasting clothes that complement your other accessories for the day like shoes, bracelets etc. A good fit pair of jeans that goes perfectly with your well -designed sandals/slippers/shoes is an excellent idea in this regard. The ‘True Religion Jeans’ a product of Active sandals is a superb and most appropriate working example. The company Active sandals manufactures a gamut of sandals that are ideal for wearing on beach and in outdoors for instance while shopping, going on picnic, trekking and so forth. The Active sandals are that largely vary not just in names and colors but also in designs and patterns perform the functions of comforting and embellishing your sensitive feet uniformly without bias. But the best part about this is the appealing pair of jeans that active sandals provide to dignify their pretty sandals all the more. True Religion jeans, as I said is one such recommendable label.

Unlike many other jeans that are available in the market today, True religion jeans have been successful in creating their own place in the hearts of people.

• First and foremost these jeans are known for the numerous and distinguished shades they come into. The band of colors is sufficient to gratify everyone’s need. The range is enough to accompany especially your stylized sandals and other accessories.

• The fine and durable material used in making the jeans is highly acclaimed by men and women globally. It imparts the jeans not just a wonderful fit but also great comfort while walking, sitting, running and jogging…all in all a beautiful experience for those wearing it. True Religion jeans can be worn at the beach, while you are partying with your friends and family, any other occasion or just going out for a stroll. The excellent fabric used neither gets wet soon nor gets thickened and hard once it soaks. This quality makes True Religion jeans immensely popular amongst the beach aficionados.

• At the end of the day, nothing impresses the mob more besides reasonable costs. Most of us want things that fall in our budget and so are easy to purchase. While this is hard to happen with some of the top jeans producing brands, it is not the case with True Religion jeans. These jeans come at a very affordable price range so that anyone who wills it can take it home.

• Purchases can be made online too and shipping is absolutely free in this case.

From Fashion Design School to Celebrity Collaborations

Fashion design school helped Carrie Cochran say RICKY MARTIN wore my T-shirt. Well, not her personal shirt -- Carrie actually custom-designed T-shirts for the popstar to wear throughout his world tour in 2005. That was a proud moment for the thriving fashion designer.

Carrie has dreamed of a fashion design career for a long time. "I've always had a talent with creativity and art," she explains. "When I was a teen, I would sew and design my own clothes and costumes. Sewing and fashion was my hobby, and I spent all my free time doing it."

Carrie was a natural, so she steadfastly headed to a fashion design school to cultivate her craft. She attended the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale where she eventually graduated with honors. "The fashion design school was close to home and I easily attended while still living at home with my parents," she recalls. "After visiting the fashion design school, a guided tour with a counselor nailed my decision down." Excited by what the fashion design college had to offer in terms of classes, an annual fashion show that students participated in, and educational trips to New York and Paris, Carrie knew she wouldn't regret choosing fashion design college.

"I'm very proud to have graduated with honors from a fashion design school," she explains. "I was able to work consistently in a fashion design career since then to support myself using my skills. All my hard work really paid off when I received a phone call from tennis legend SERENA WILLIAMS, who was asking me to be a part of her fashion company, Aneres."

It's all a matter of who you know and how you get your name, work, and garments out there, according to Carrie. Doors to other opportunities have opened up with every one of her pieces that gets worn. "I was introduced to Ricky Martin about a year ago through a friend. He had seen my work and fell in love with it," she says. "He wore one of my accessories to last year's Video Music Awards on MTV."

As a result, Carrie created an entire collection of accessories, as well as custom T-shirts for the Latin singer which he sported throughout his world tour last year.

So now that Carrie has her dream fashion design career realized, what's next? Fashion design college yet again to get her masters perhaps? Maybe even more celebrity collaborations? The sky is the limit once an aspiring fashion designer has experience and a degree to back up his or her credentials. For Carrie, the next step may be a fashion design business.

Beginning A Career With Fashion School

By Michelle Bery

For fashion enthusiasts a career working in this exciting environment can seem like the best of all worlds – earning a living while having the opportunity to be creative in an industry for which you have a passion. A career in fashion can be a glamorous and stimulating occupation; but in order to be successful you must have the ability and the education behind you. Fashion school can bring you one step closer to a career in the fashion industry.

Those interested in a career in fashion must initially possess an innate ability to create beautiful clothing designs and effectively communicate and manufacturer those designs. A career such as this requires more than just a love of clothing – although that is obviously an important element to the job. If these are abilities that you possess, fashion school is the next natural step in finding your place in the fashion world.

Fashion school will give you the fundamentals necessary to begin your exploration of the fashion industry. Classroom education will provide you with the basics of design including the ability to transfer what is in your head to paper or computer. Further, a fashion school will provide an education on the choosing and handling of textiles of all varieties and the sewing – both by hand and machine – and manufacturing of your design.

Fashion school lays the groundwork for a career in the fashion industry and opens doors that would normally not be available to someone starting out in the business. For instance, a reputable fashion school can assist you in getting an internship or apprenticeship with a working design house. This can be the most important step that you take in your career – allowing you to get hands-on experience and network with important people in the industry; also important is the opportunity this allows you to build your own portfolio and establish a name for yourself in the industry. An initial work experience such as an apprenticeship through your fashion school could very well be the start of your own career.

Beginning a career in the fashion industry can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Fashion school – along with the hands-on work experiences they offer – can allow you to hone your abilities and carve out your place in this spectacular industry.

How Online Fashion Schools Work

By Tim Yu

The internet has certainly changed the way we do things. It has completely revolutionized our way of living. It has changed the way we shop, the way we converse, and even the way we earn degrees. What was that again? Ye, the internet today is used to earn various types of degrees. One of the more popular degrees you can earn online is a degree in fashion design. Because of this, more and more online fashion schools keep emerging and keep trying to attract students.

How exactly do online fashion schools work?

Getting your degree without actually attending school is not really a new thing. In the past, this type of learning was called correspondence studies. A person would earn his degree through the mail. Basically, this is how online fashion schools work. People who want to earn their degrees do so by communicating with the instructor through the internet.

First of all, a person registers via e-mail or through a website. Students pay through credit card or by electronic transfer. Once registered, a student will be sent a manual/ workbook. He or she studies the subject through the use of this book and through other media sent by the school. The pace of learning is dictated by the student and he or she can stick to a personal schedule. This is quite convenient since most people today cannot get enough time to study. Most people who enroll in online fashion schools have jobs that they are trying to hold. Because of this, they try to take all the time that they can in order to study.

How are tests taken? Well, tests are often included in the manual and answers can be sent to the school for checking through email. Some people may question the validity of such tests as students are given ample opportunity to cheat. Because of this, online fashion schools employ another system. Some online fashion schools schedule tests to be taken by students. The test is often under time pressure and scheduled so that a student will not be able to cheat. Sometimes, an administrator may watch the student through a webcam.

It is often the case that an online fashion school will design its tests to be simple practical examinations which a student cannot cheat in. Some online fashion schools may create tests that have no standard answers. Thus, the answers to the test can be as diverse as the personalities of the students.

When you think about it, an online fashion school can create this type of test easily. This is because fashion involves the creativity of the student. If an online fashion school asks a student to submit a design of a certain article of clothing, the design that the student sends will certainly be unique. A student cannot really cheat since cheating can be easily detected.

Once you have completed all the necessary activities and once you have overcome nameless burdens, you will receive a certification from the online fashion school saying that you accomplished this or that task and now have the degree of this or that.

As you can see, online fashion schools aren’t really complicated. In fact, these schools make all our lives a little bit easier. Online fashion schools often understand the plight of the student and will help you reach the top of your ladder.

Fashion Design Schools

Celebrities and famous personalities all clamor to be dressed and styled by the greatest and the best, thus giving way for new and younger designers. Narciso Rodriguez, Monique Lhullier, and Stella McCartney, just to name a few, are all young designers in demand today in the fashion industry.

Another young designer, Nikki Hilton, one of the heiresses to the Hilton hotels and already privileged and famous, opted to study first at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York in order to have a solid background in design. Soon this young designer whose love for bags started going places when other celebrities started appearing at movie premieres and awards shows with her creations. Fashion critics praised her works because of their clean lines and contemporary design.

Education combined with talent form a great building block to a solid design career.
Most fashion designers, in an effort to expand what they know, try to attend art school since courses offered in a fashion design school are also regarded as applied art, similar to interior and graphic design. These design schools offer a curriculum especially created to stimulate the creative and unique sides of their students. Programs usually are intended to challenge the students by incorporating the technical and theoretical elements in fashion design as well as the artistic and sensible approach to creating new and hip clothing.

Fashion design schools do not only groom students to create a great piece of clothing but also teach them the basics, such as correct body measurements, pattern making, clothes making, and even sewing. Some design schools also offer for the following positions: fashion merchandiser, fabrications and trim buyer, fashion illustrator, pattern grader, and textile artist.

Fashion Design provides detailed information on Fashion Design, Fashion Design Schools, Fashion Design Programs, Fashion Design Games and more. Fashion Design is affiliated with Fabric Hammocks.

Online Fashion Merchandising Courses-A Convenient Path to a Fashion Career

By Amy Wells

The Internet has revolutionized education. Distance and online learning is one of the fastest growing segments of the educational field. If you are thinking of attending fashion school for a fashion merchandising degree or certificate, you may want to consider an online fashion design program. These online programs have evolved and are more comprehensive and sophisticated to meet student needs.

As a fashion merchandising student, you'll learn the nuts and bolts of fashion design and marketing. You'll study the whole cycle of fashion creation, concentrating primarily on the manufacturing, buying, selling, and promotion of items to retail and other outlets. You'll also learn about the actual textiles that create fabrics, and their manufacture.

There are many advantages to studying fashion merchandising online. You will have a more flexible schedule, and can study around your job, or other responsibilities. A great way to get even more prepared for working in the field is to take a fashion-related job while you are attending school online. This will help you get real world fashion experience that can enrich your online education, and help qualify you for your fashion merchandising career once you graduate.

There are a number of schools that offer online programs. Many respectable and respected fashion campuses also offer an online component. Its better to enroll in an online program that is well-known and has a presence in the fashion industry. Many schools offer a two year associates degree or a certificate, and some schools offer a four year bachelor degree. Whatever degree program you choose, you want to make sure that your online program has the appropriate accreditation, so that when you graduate, your achievement has merit in the industry, and is recognizable.

Another factor to consider is the job placement assistance offered after you graduate. Most schools will have statistics regarding the number of graduates working the fashion merchandising industry. Before you enroll, you should review the school's job assistance program, and make sure it is comprehensive as possible.

A fashion merchandising career is one of the most flexible and varied in the fashion industry. Once you have achieved your diploma or certification, there are a wide variety of positions available. You could work in retail as store manager, or store owner. You could also work as a fashion buyer, merchandiser, fashion event planner, and that is just a small number of the variety of positions available.

If you live too far away to attend an on campus fashion school, or need more flexibility with your schedule, an online fashion merchandising program may be a good fit for you. More and more schools are catering to the needs of their students by offering online degree and certificate studies, and there are now a number to choose from. Your fashion career could be just a few mouse clicks away.

One of the First Fashion Design Schools Online- Milan Fashion Campus

By Tim Yu

Do you dream of making it big in the fashion world someday?
I have good news for you! Your dream is now just a click away - may it be to become a fashion designer, a web fashion designer, an image consultant, a fashion magazine stylist, a TV program stylist, an event stylist, a fashion journalist, or a personal shopper – with the Milan Fashion Campus Online Fashion Design Course.

The Creator
Angelo Russica, a seasoned fashion guru who has more or less 20 years of experience in the fashion world, created the course with his aim of not only coming up with an Internet-based fashion design school that will teach the history, aesthetics, and skills required of Italy's fashion, but extending the Italian fashion sense to the world as well.

With more than 15 years of collaborative experience as a creative assistant to different companies the world over, like Versace, Gruppo Max Mara, Marzotto, Miroglio Vestebene in Italy; Induyco and El Corte Ingles in Spain; and Fujii, Chori, King Company, and World Company in Japan, Russica was able to talk to numerous young students from an array of famous fashion design schools who complain about having spent lots of money on more or less three years of study, only to find out in the end, that it is hard to find a job and almost impossible to make a name. This is also one reason why Russica developed the first online fashion design school in Italy – he wants Milan Fashion Campus to give many aspiring fashion students a chance to learn about the wonders of Italian fashion without having to spend so much.

The Course
This one of a kind fashion design course provides students with the opportunity to be professionally in touch with Italy's Fashion Design Learning Method. The intensive online fashion design course of Milan Fashion Campus also serves as a venue for the realization of dreams – may it be to become a professional figure or the famous designer of the future.
The lessons are sequenced in such a way that the students can easily follow them. The course requires active student participation since lessons are geared toward teaching learners how to do market analysis, how to locate valuable sources of information, and how to discover inspiration. Students of Milan Fashion Course will also learn the tricks of the trade, just like what professional fashion designers do: examining the streets, examining fashion stories, examining the music world, and examining the opinion of fashion leaders.

The Milan Fashion Campus Online Fashion Design Course, which can be downloaded through, has seven sections, 27 chapters, almost 200 pages, and more than 170 exercises that will serve as guidance for students from their first sketch to their first fashion show. The course also gives a chance to students to specialize on different areas, like celebrity and men fashion design, handbag design, color and rendering technique, and fashion figure template.

One may buy the course chapter per chapter, too, especially if you just want to try out the course first.

The course is in English and downloadable once you have paid the amount stated in, may it be through Paypal or money transfer. This also means that you may start with the course anytime you want.

For more information regarding fees and FAQ's, just visit
You will not only improve your fashion taste and sensibility, but also open opportunities for a wonderful career in fashion.

Choosing the Best Fashion School for You

By Tim Yu

The word “best” is always relative. What’s best for you may not be the best for others. This is the reason why you should not trust a business that claims to be the best. You need to compare various fashion schools in order to actually find the best one for you. In comparing fashion schools, however, you are going to need some standards. Here are some standards you can use:

1) Cost – some people think that the best fashion schools are the most expensive ones. These people think that just because education is expensive, it is also high quality. What you need to know is that studying fashion is not cheap. However, it doesn’t really need to be ridiculously expensive. Some schools just want to appear exclusive in order to attract more students. They pretend to be the best fashion schools by charging outrageous fees to those who wish to be students.

Because of this, you should understand that cost is not the best standard to use in judging quality.

2) Location – there are people who think that attending the best fashion school means going to Europe. They believe that in order for a fashion school to be among the best, it should be located as far away from their hometown as possible. There are some positives to this view. Schools located in fashion centers tend to be more aggressive in their education. They also tend to be more updated on the world of fashion. If this is the sort of school you think is best for you then go attend it.

You need to remember, however, that some things require a lot of sacrifice.

3) Prestige – some people think that the best fashion schools are the ones that get featured in magazines and the television. They believe that attending such schools would rub a little of the prestige of onto them. People believe that the best fashion schools are the most well-known ones. However, you need to remember that sometimes, the best fashion schools like to keep quiet about their greatness. All the magazines in the world could not compare to the testimonials of other people. It is often the case that the best fashion schools do not get known through the papers, but through the words of their students.

4) Instructors – some think that the best fashion schools are the ones which hire famous personalities as instructors. In fact, they may have a point. People in the fashion industry do not get famous if nobody likes their work. However, there is one drawback to this: people in the fashion industry are almost always competing against each other. This competition can be very distracting and may hinder the learning process.

5) The alumni – there are also people who think that the best fashion schools are the ones attended by successful personalities. They believe that the past will be the guide of people to face the future. Because of this, people often seek out the schools of well known fashion personalities and set out to fulfill their dreams.

Before you use this standard to judge the best fashion school, you need to remember that schooling is only a small part of a person’s greatness. It is an important part, of that you can be sure. However, you need to remember that greatness always lies within yourself.

Tips on Choosing A School For Fashion Design

By Amy Wells

Once you've made the decision to attend, or at least investigate fashion design as a career, its time to consider your educational prospects. By attending a school for fashion design, you will get the training you need to be successful in your new career. In addition, you will also have the chance to network, and have post-graduate job placement opportunities. Although there are many choices available, finding the right program doesn't need to be complicated.

One of your first tasks should be narrowing down your field of study. Take a look at the various occupational profiles related to fashion, and focus on the ones that interest you. Some of the more popular fashion areas of study are: design, merchandising, marketing, and fashion retail management. By having a primary focus in mind, you can look primarily at programs which are strong in your niche. If you are not sure what your focus is yet, take a look at schools that offer a variety of fashion design programs, so you can make a decision after you've started your initial classes.

Another factor to consider is what type of degree program you are looking for. There are a number of two and four year universities and colleges that offer fashion design as one of their majors. If having a traditional degree is important to you, you may want to apply to these schools. There are also many schools that specialize purely in fashion design programs. This type of education may be more comprehensive, with more of a focus on job placement after you graduate. Many of these offer certificates, associate, and bachelor degree programs.

You should also consider the quality of the education you'll be pursuing. Make sure you have a chance to review the curriculum and courses, and the teaching faculty. If you can attend some of the schools and take a tour, that would be ideal, as you will have a chance to observe much more than what you will see on the website. You should also try to find some objective reviews of the school and program you are interested in.

At this point, practicalities will also come into play. A major component of deciding which school to attend will be cost. Evaluate the complete financial aid packages that might be available, and consider researching and applying for any scholarships. Location is also extremely important. If you have located an appropriate school nearby, that will be much more convenient. If a nearby school isn't an option, you may want to consider an online school, or even a school in a different city or county. Some of the best fashion schools are located in places like Milan, London, and Paris.

Because there is so much involved in choosing a school for fashion design, you should take your time and not rush the decision process. Your odds of choosing a school that will help you fulfill your fashion career aspirations are much higher if you are clear about your focus of study, where you want to study, and how much you can afford. With so many choices available, you will find the school that is right for you.

Finding a Top Fashion Design School That Meets Your Needs

By Amy Wells

If your considering attending fashion school, there are a number of choices to wade through, and many factors to consider. How do you separate the hype from the substance when considering what fashion design school is right for your needs? By becoming clear on your school evaluation criteria, it will be easier to pick the school that is right for you.

One of the main factors, of course, is cost. Education is an investment in yourself, and there will be some cost outlays involved for tuition, supplies, and other aspects of attending school. However, if you've committed to getting a fashion design education, than you shouldn't let cost get in your way. You will certainly want to compare costs, the costs of various schools with the overall benefits you'll receive from each. You may be able to get a better loan or financial aid package from one school over another, and this certainly should be a consideration.

Another factor to consider is location. There are a variety of fashion schools located in some of the major design capitals of the world, such as Milan, London, and New York. If you decided to attend a school located there, you may have increased costs of living, which should be taken into consideration. But, you will also be more immersed in the world of fashion, and may have a chance to make more contacts in the fashion industry that can help you after graduation.

There are some schools that offer an online education, and this may also be a good choice for you. If you need more flexibility with your classes, or have family or work commitments, an online school may be a better choice. Of course, you will want to make sure you have reliable computer and Internet access, and a place to study.

One thing you should pay close attention to is the job placement services the school offers. Most people attend fashion design school because they are looking to work in the fashion industry, and how the school supports what happens post-graduation should be examined closely. The school may have job placement statistics available, and perhaps an alumni association. You may want to contact some of the alumni, and find out how their job placement situation was handled.

The quality of the curriculum and instructors is of course, another major factor. Take a look through their catalogue and see what type of classes are being offered. Classes should offer a good mix of application and theory, and be rigorous without being overwhelming.

Attending a top fashion design school can be a reality instead of just a dream. By critically evaluating the schools based on the criteria that is important to you, you will find many schools that can offer you the education and experience of a lifetime. If you spend the time to comparison shop, like you would for any major purchase, and you will be much happier with your decision.